Follow your order
You receive an order confirmation shortly after your order is completed on designletters.com. Here you will find your order number.
When your order is processed and shipped from our warehouse, a new mail with a ”Track & Trace” link will be send so you can follow your order.
Please note that it may take up to 48 hours before the link is active.
If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us by mail weborder@designletters.dk or phone: +45 2533 7328 as quickly as possible.
If the parcel is already shipped from our warehouse, you must refuse to receive the package on delivery. The package will then automatically be returned to our warehouse.
Sold out items
In few cases a product may be sold out while the order is being placed. If so, you will be contacted as soon as possible by our customer service.
SSL Encryption
It is safe to purchase at www.designletters.com. Your credit information is always sent via a secure SSL connection, so all personal date are encrypted.
However, the most important protection is your own password. Remember to keep it safe and not pass it on.
We comply with data protection rules and laws. Your data is only used to process your order and is not passed on to other third parties. You can read more about our data policy here.
Change of address
It is not possible to make a change of address after the order is placed.
All prices are inclusive VAT and other charges. The prices are day to day prices.
The customer is responsible for additional charges that are not shown on the webshop. If an order is to be shipped to a non-EU country there may be local fees and VAT rules required by the respective country.
Design Letters is not responsible for reporting or paying for these charges. In connection with these additional costs, delivery delays may occur.
Create a user account
You are always welcome to get inspiration on designletters.com. If you find an article you wish to purchase, just create an account. Click on Login/Register in the top right corner.
All fields with * on the register page need to be filled out. You can create your own ”Password” in the password field. We recommend a safe password.